

I have a Shakespeare test in the morning. So, naturally, I'm blogging it up right now. If you are also suffering from the "I-don't-want-to-do-this-I'd-rather-be-tased-than-do-this" blues, then here are 10 suggestions for temporarily avoiding what you will eventually get around to doing once you've hit rock bottom:

Pre-Game: Facebook/Twitter. Duh. This is the warm up to the true procrastination activities.

10. Text all your friends and in good humor tell them how much you don't want to work on what you're both supposed to be working on. Here's one of my conversations that made me feel better:

Me: Well, I have no idea what I'm doing. What are all these notes I took and have to learn, yet have no recollection of hearing in class? What the taft. I want to quit.
Friend: I wanted to quit before I started. Shakespeare should die. Oh, wait... 

9. http://www.sporcle.com - Goodness the games are addictive. And guilt-free, because many are educational.

8. Write a haiku. Here's mine:
Studying is hard.
I think I'd rather swallow
A full pint of lard.

7. Organize your desktop. If that's not time consuming enough, tackle your photo albums.

6. Time for YouTube. Catch up on all those trends you've heard so much about but haven't understood yet. PTL for this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRBLmogRL4c

5. Attempt to get back to work. This step is important because it proves how desperately you need to keep not doing what you ought to be doing. Confused by that last sentence? That makes two of us. Proof the procrastination is truly sinking in because if we were on top of our game we wouldn't have had to read that sentence like 6 times to get it (or still not get it). Rebound by sifting through Itunes and choosing some new music to listen to.

4. Plan out every outfit you will wear this week. Plan out every meal. Plan out when you'll work out. Schedule in a few moments of reason in which you may actually accomplish something this week.

3. Make a paper chain counting down the number of days left till summer.

2. Make a list about how to procrastinate and post it to a blog.

1. Rock bottom. Back to work.

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